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  • Honeysuckle care (aphids)

    Created by gary tomei on

    I live in NYC.
    My honeysuckle shrub died recently due to aphid invasion.
    two days ago I sprayed the plant with organicide (Too late).
    I’m wondering if I will get a new growth or should I just cut back the shrub and wait till next spring for new growth. If I should cut it back, how to do it?
    BTW I also got ladybug lure and food from you and ladybugs. I haven’t done anything with those items.
    I thought I’d put the lure and the food next to the honeysuckle and let the ladybugs and lacewing eggs out, even tho the aphids are gone (I hope)

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  • #243298

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Gary!

    I’m sorry to hear about your honeysuckle vine! There is a very good chance it will bounce back, but it will take some time to regain its former glory. With a little tender loving care, it should be just fine.

    I would highly suggest some heavy pruning to get rid of damaged plant parts along with releasing commercially available beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewing, for long-term pest control. Use a heavy stream of water, prior to release, to knock off as many plant pests as you can and reduce the number of ants on the vine. Ants will protect aphids from natural predators. Also, studies have shown that the ladybug lures you purchased are very effective at keeping introduced ladybugs around the area to be protected.

    In late summer and early fall, aphids lay overwintering eggs. Horticultural oil should be applied early in the season or late in the fall to destroy overwintering eggs.

    Do not overwater or over fertilize – aphids like plants with high nitrogen levels and soft new growth. Use organic fertilizers which release nutrients slowly.

    Good luck!

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