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  • Why do so many people claim to be “bad” with growing plants?

    Created by viprit on

    I guess for most people it’s simply just lack of interest, but I’ve always wondered where the idea comes. Like some people seem to think they are somehow naturally bad with plants and always end up killing all of them and stuff.

    I just wanted to say to every beginner who thinks this way, that information about common houseplants, vegetables and other plants is actually very easy to find. Even just the Wikipedia article on houseplants is pretty good for getting started! Growing plants is a nice hobby and I wish people didn’t get immediately discouraged if their plant dies when they never looked up any basic instructions on how to take care of it. Sometimes plants can die for other reasons too, like many succulent type plants can already be developing rot in the nursery/store where they are being sold.

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  • #299798


    I really enjoy maintaining my flower, vegetable garden and my fruit orchard. While we were growing up, my sister would often admiringly nickname me the green thumb as I always had a way of nurturing and loving the plants and the m growing in my care. But for my sister it was exactly the opposite because of me and would often have her plants die either due to over-watering or under-watering. It also has to do with the disposition that i have as opposed to her (See chapter 6 of Psych 5)

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