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  • Can you grow lettuce inside with lights?

    Created by Raja on

    I am building an enclosure to grow lettuce, kale, coriander, mint, basil, oregano, brussels sprouts (only leafy greens). The size of the enclosure is 2.4 m Length x 1.8 m width x 2 m height.

    I need advice on the following:
    1.) Type of internal lighting to be used and the number of lights to be used
    2.) What are the nutrients to be used and how to automate the dosing?


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  • #253309

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Raja!

    In regards to internal lighting, two 4-foot, 8 bulb T5 light fixtures would be perfect. The short side of the fixture would go along the 2.4 meter side of the room and will provide adequate lighting for all of your leafy greens. Another perk of using t5 systems is that you can use them at any angle and it is quick and easy to adjust the height as your plants grow.

    When it comes to nutrients, we offer a couple different lines and it would be a matter of personal preference after looking in to each one. If you would like to do automatic dosing, there is a product called the Dosatron which dispenses nutrients after mixing. We do not stock this product normally, but it is something we can definitely special order it for you.

    Happy gardening!


    Hi Raja.

    I agree with E. Vinje. I have also had good experiences with Dosatron. Try it out. I’m not to sure about the lightning though.

    All the best 🙂




    Hi Raja,

    I can talk about the type of internal lighting to be used in your garden. I own an indoor garden where I mostly cultivate sleepy-yuda for my research and random vegetables during winter. Recently my old grow lights wore out, and I got this Galaxyhydro series 1000w LED grow light after doing some research. I choose it because it had the power that I was looking for, was affordable and at that time I was not doing my lab research. So instead of making a spreadsheet, I had time to observe the product and made some research on it.

    George Vance

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