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  • green bean problems (soft pods)

    Created by parttime on

    Most of my green beans are not filling out with seeds and the pods are soft. I did not apply any high nitrogen fertilizer. This is the 2nd year this has happened.
    I had a huge infestation of blister beetles on near-by tomatoes, so I sprayed both with seven concentrate. Is it a bacteria, virus or the seven concentrate?

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  • #14045


    I'm not an expert on peas, but how I understand it they are not nitrogen intensive. They have the ability to fix nitrogen and store it in their roots. So nitrogen likely is not your problem.

    The Sevin Concentrate you used contains toxic carbaryl as the active ingredient. I would recommend using a neem or pyrethrin based product next time. They are both extremely effective plant extracts that degrade quickly.

    I think it's just the peas you're growing. Be patient, the peas should form and the pod will enlarge.


    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    The problem you are seeing with your garden beans could be fungal in nature or a reaction to the Sevin® pesticide that you used. Hopefully you followed the label instructions when applying. However, shriveled bean pods are often the result of uneven watering, or even a lack of moisture. Beans do well in moist — not wet — soils. Give them a good drink of water and consider using a mulch to prevent moisture loss between waterings. I’ve included a link to our Growing Beans article.


    Hope it helps!

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