I've heard both that it will be the worst year for grasshoppers in 30 years, and that it will be the worst year since 1930,,,,bad and worse!
But the 50 pound bag of Semi-spore bait I got last year seemed to do the trick!
I'm only finding a few grasshoppers on the place, and usually by now they're everywhere!
Just the same I've got 150 pounds of wheat bran as well as the rest of the ingredients for some homemade bait I found out about last year!
One batch ingredients: 20 pounds wheat bran, one quart insecticide such as liquid seven (I used a pint of Malathion and am going to try to figure out how much Pyganic would substitute), 1 quart molasses, 1 quart veggie oil, 2 gallons water, and a few drops of dish-soap to emulsify the oil and water.
Mix oil, water, dish-soap, molasses, insecticide, stir in wheat bran and mix till evenly absorbed, let sit over night, stir again, let sit 4 hours and scoop clumps out around fruit trees and anything else you want to protect!
The first three years I have had this place they were worse than the year before, which the first year they were terrible!
Then last year in the spring they were a reasonable number and I thought I had them licked!
Till they did there usual trick of coming from everywhere around to attack my place, I may buy the Semi-pore again if they are bad enough, but hopefully it will carry over good enough to this year!
I also ordered and received 50 Praying mantis egg cases,,,I just don't know what I'll do if I don't have a better victory this year!