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  • When should I feed my fruit trees?

    Created by Mark Johnson on

    We have about 20 fruit trees around our home that we would like to fertilize. Is it too late in the year to do so? What product(s) do you recommend? I liked the Dr. Earth Fruit Tree Fertilizer. How many cups to a bag? When will you have it in stock? If not soon, what do you recommend? Thank you. Mark in Hamilton MT

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  • #251396

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Mark –

    Sorry for the delay in my response, I’ve been busy at buying shows stocking up for next season.

    What kind of fruit trees are you growing? In most cases, you will want to fertilize your fruit trees in early spring, right before bud break. Avoid fertilizing after July, as this can produce new growth that will not survive the winter.

    Organic Dr. Earth Fruit Tree Fertilizer is recommended to promote stable consistent plant growth with NO growth spikes. Hugely popular, we will have more available around the first of the year.

    Apply in spring and early summer. For new tree plantings, add 2 to 2-1/2 cups to the planting hole and water well. For established plants, work one cup or two cups into the soil within the drip line. Can also be mixed with water for foliar feeding or deep root feeding.

    Hope it helps! Feel free to contact us if you have anymore questions.

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