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  • How do I use fabric pots/ planters?

    Created by Donna Marie Patton on


    I am new to gardening and I recently purchased a 3ft x 3ft Dirt Pot Raised Bed Fabric Planter to grow vegetables. I was wondering whether I can place it directly on the grass in my backyard or in my patio directly on the tile.

    Thank you for your time,

  • Author
  • #265190

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Donna –

    Your new framed fabric planter is a commercial quality raised bed that can be used inside or outside. Made from a breathable, porous material, these reusable gardens last for years and provide superior drainage and aeration for ALL plants. Easy to use, just place the container wherever you want and fill it with your favorite potting mix.

    The Dirt Pot Box can be located on your lawn, patio, or even basement! However, because the fabric is porous and drains freely, we recommend placing the garden bed inside a standard hydroponic tray when using it inside or on a hard surface. This will prevent staining from runoff and make clean up a snap.

    Hope it helps!

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