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  • How do I use Einstein Oil?

    Created by bobby jones on

    My friend gave me a bottle of Einstein Oil, but the directions for how to use it are pretty vague. My question, should I use it by the drop or by the teaspoon? For instance, how many drops or teaspoons should I put in one gallon of water?

  • Author
  • #265178

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Bobby –

    Mix 1/2 – 2 tsp per quart of warm water (1 oz per gallon) with a couple drops of mild dish soap as an emulsifier. Shake well and spray the diluted solution generously on all leaf surfaces to keep leaves and plants healthy. All ingredients are 100% non-toxic and the best available.

    Hope it helps!



    You can also use Wet Betty as wetting agent instead of dish soap. I recommend keeping your mixture lukewarm or warn to keep the Einstein Oil broken down while you use it.

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