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  • Dyna-Gro Pro-TeKt for Japanese Maple

    Created by Bill Riley on

    I have a full grown Coral Bark Japanese Maple ‘Sango kaku’ in the center of my front lawn. I would like to know a little more about Dyna-Gro Pro-TeKt fertilizer. I know many growers use this product, but a half teaspoon per gallon of water seems very diluted for a full grown tree. I can’t find any information regarding size of tree, watering requirements and mixing rates. How much is too much? Also, once I open the container, how long is the shelf life of the product? I live in Mission Viejo, CA, USDA Zone 10b. My tree gets burned in the summer. Thank You Bill Riley please contact me at billriley2@cox.net

  • Author
  • #191418

    Eric Vinje

    Bill –

    I would highly suggest keeping the amount of product to the recommended ratio, no matter the size of the tree. For best results I would recommend adding the Pro-teKt to a scheduled feeding regime to avoid excessive stressing or nutrient burning of your tree. The label has recommended rates that vary slightly depending on your selected method of application.

    Hope this helps!

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