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  • Dual Trigger Controller for 13 Light Grow

    Created by Mikanikal on

    A while back I bought one of your control boxes. I am currently running 12 1000w lights in flower and 3 600w lamps in veg. The 1000’s are on a 12 on 12 off schedule while the 600’s stay on 24 hours. This has caused us to have to shut one set of lights off with the breakers. Does the optional dual trigger allow me to split these? And if so, where can I get one? Thank you for your time. ~KEITH

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  • #204940

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Keith –

    Unfortunately, CAP is no longer in business and the company that purchased them has discontinued many of their larger HID Light Controllers. However, I sent your question off to the owner of Powerbox — in my opinion, the highest quality lighting controllers on the market — and here’s what he had to say.

    Our Powerbox DPC-12000-D has 12 outlet, with dual trigger cords, so you could run the outlets in groups of 6. Up from there is the DPC-24000 (we can special order this), which has 24 of the 240v outlets. This model had a special timer and you can separately control the outlets in groups of 6, plus there are some 120V’s that can also be independently controlled. Hopefully one of these will work!

    Good luck!

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