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  • #195373

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Michael –

    Cornell has several mixes for different uses. Are you referring to this soil mix? If so Cornell suggests adapting for home use.

    Cornell foliage plant mix:
    ½ bushel sphagnum peat moss
    ¼ bushel vermiculite, No. 2
    ¼ bushel perlite (medium fine)
    8 tbsp. ground dolomitic lime
    2 tbsp. superphosphate (20% powdered)
    3 tbsp. 10-10-10 fertilizer
    1 tbsp. iron sulfate
    1 tbsp. potassium nitrate

    Neither one or the other is right or wrong. The amount of lime added will depend heavily upon what you are growing (acid loving plants will need less lime…etc), the soil texture and the pH you are trying to achieve within your media. Making your own mix to fit your personal needs is half the fun!

    Happy Spring!

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