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  • Weed Prevention Plus Ingredients

    Created by Deborah Pang on

    Does Concern Pre Emergent Weed Prevention Plus contain GMO (round up ready)? I do not want to add to any Round Up ingredients to my soil.

  • Author
  • #181403

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Deborah,

    Unfortunately, there is not a specific statement of where and what type of corn this product is sourced from. You may have luck inquiring within the products company, Safer. If you are worried about the spread of Roundup ready genes, there is no risk in a product in this form.

    Hope this helps!


    Eric Vinje

    Deborah –

    The following is from Woodstream, the manufacturer of Concern Weed Prevention Plus.

    We do not conduct any testing regarding GMOs in Weed Prevention Plus.

    That being said, corn gluten is not a seed and will not grow into a plant. There is no risk that this product will infiltrate any nearby fields or crops. Corn gluten breaks down in the soil and acts as a natural fertilizer.

    I hope this helps!

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