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  • CO2 Monitor/ Controller Accuracy (PPM-3)

    Created by Alex Larcombe on

    Dear Planet Natural,
    I am looking for a way to main levels of CO2 accurately in a small “exposure” room. The levels I am interested in are around 900ppm and 5000ppm, so I thought that the CO2 Monitor/ Controller (PPM-3) might do the job. However, the room will be housing experimental subjects (mice), not plants, so the CO2 level will increase naturally as the mice breathe. The room is equipped with piped air and CO2 so we can pump either/both of these in as neccessary. From what I understand, the CO2 Monitor/ Controller (PPM-3) might not do the job – as it only adds CO2 rather than removing CO2 or adding air. Am I correct?
    Do you have something available that will do the job I am after?
    Kind regards,

  • Author
  • #231134

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Alex –

    Sorry for the delay in my response. I wanted to make sure I responded correctly and was waiting to hear back from the manufacturer. Here’s their response:

    Our CO2 controllers are designed to supply CO2 and not remove it. Also, our units will not be very accurate above 2000 ppm, because plant environments typically have a maximum CO2 level of 1500 ppm, and our meters are calibrated at 400 ppm.

    Hope it helps!



    Thank you for the reply.
    It does help!

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