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  • Compact Fluorescent (CFL) Bulbs

    Created by Mike on

    Hi, I have a question regarding the CFL Grow Light (sku # 1805), does this bulb have a mogul type screw-in base? Is it a bit bigger than a regular screw-in base? Thanks!


  • Author
  • #205053

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Mike –

    These energy efficient CFL Grow Lights are perfect for indoor gardeners with a limited budget and a small growing space. The lights run cooler than traditional HID lamps and require very little ventilation. No heat means that the bulb can be placed closer to your plants for improved productivity. Best of all, they come in two color spectrums to fit your particular growing needs.

    Cool, available in 125W (7,000 Lumens – 6500 Kelvin) and 200W (10,000 Lumens – 6500 Kelvin) to enhance vegetative development.

    Warm, available in 125 watt (7,000 Lumens – 2700 Kelvin) to produce maximum flowering. Grow flowers, herbs and much more!

    Note: Because this lamp is self-ballasted, you simply screw it into a Compact Fluorescent Fixture or base mogul (E39) socket which is larger than a standard lamp socket.

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