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  • Sunlight for Beneficial Insect Seed Mix

    Created by Ryan on

    Hi, just wondering what the sunlight requirements are for the plants in the mix are before I sow them? Thanks!

  • Author
  • #155230

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Ryan –

    Our Beneficial Insect Flower Mix is a combination of perennial and annual flowers that like full or partial sun and rich, well-drained soil. It’s an easy mix to grow and will tolerate average to slightly poor soils. Preparing garden areas with generous amounts of organic compost or well-aged animal manure will improve the health of plants tremendously.

    For best results, use as a garden border or plant between rows. It is helpful to mix a carrier such as clean, dry sand with the seed; sand adds volume and aids in even distribution. We recommend using a ratio of 1 or 2 parts sand to 1 part seed. Rake in lightly, covering seeds to a maximum depth of 2-3 times their thickness.


    Hope this helps!

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