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  • Converting a 120v ballast to 240v

    Created by og50 on

    I’m operating a hydrofarm ballast @120v and want to re-wire for 240v. Wiring is clearly marked 240v inside. Any help greatly appreciated. TKS

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  • #13916


    Just a note: If you do rewire or modify anything on your ballast is does void the warranty. Ballasts that have both usually have a plastic covering that can be rotated 180 degrees to place the opening over the 240 socket and close the 120 volt socket. If your not sure your best bet would be to purchase a new ballast that has this option like the Xtrasun ballasts.


    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    While the old magnetic coil ballasts are bomb-proof and last through the entire 5-year manufacturer’s warranty, they often didn’t allow you to switch between 120 volt or 240 volt. The newer Digital Grow Light Ballasts come dual voltage (120/ 240 volt) and include a whole slew of features that make them brighter, more efficient and safer to use. They’ll protect your bulbs too!

    Hope this helps.

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