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  • Applying Horticultural Oil for Whiteflies

    Created by gwendolyn heringer on

    For the last couple of months I thought I was fighting spider mites until today I saw on your site that it was not spider mites but whiteflies. I have been using Bonide All Season Horticultural Oil and it’s working, but it’s turning the leaves dark, dark green and curling up the tips.

    What I want to know is this product killing my plant or will the plant be able to shake it off and live. I have a lot of money tied up in these plant and if the stuff I used is killing my plant can you tell me what I can do to turn it around and save them.

    Please contact me with good or bad news so I will know what to expect and should I pull the plant up or do something else. I’m in a hell of a mess and your my only hope.

  • Author
  • #207978

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Gwendolyn –

    Yes, All Season Horticultural Oil works on many plant pests — including whitefly — by smothering the insects, but keep in mind that how and when you apply the product makes a big difference on how well it works and the health of your plants.

    • Use 1.5 – 4 Tbsp per gallon of water and apply once or twice weekly, depending on growth and insect pressure.
    • All Seasons Spray Oil is most effective on whitefly during the immature stages.
    • Do NOT apply when temperatures are above 90˚F or when plants need watering as it may shock plants and cause leaf drop.
    • Leaf burn may be affected by the quantity of oil used and temps at the time of application.
    • Do NOT exceed the maximum rates or apply more often than indicated on the label.
    • Use caution on open blooms — bleaching and spotting may occur.
    • Certain plant species may be more sensitive to oil.
    • Give special attention to underside of stems, leaves and limbs.

    Please refer to the product label for specific mixing instructions.

    Hope this helps!

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