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  • What to do about aphids & ants?

    Created by Harmony on

    I am curious what I should do about the Aphids and Ants that are on my maple trees. The trees seem to be doing just fine and are at least 20-30 feet tall, however, I am unsure if the insects are helping each other or eating each other. Any thoughts on what to do? Thanks!

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  • #13829


    watch out! Those ants are farming those aphids for their honeydew and protecting them from other insects. If you plan to be rid of Aphids get rid of those ants first!


    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    I would recommend adding diatomaceous earth to your soil to help control the ant population. Monterey Ant Control granules will work as well. Once the ants are under control, I’d recommend the use of Azamax or a beneficial insect such as ladybugs/ lacewing to control the remaining aphids.

    Hope this helps!

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