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  • Need to add nutrients to my soil

    Created by Barbara Jean Amato on


    I need to amend my vegetable garden soil and have bought several natural items. Your super green chicken fertilizer, Norwegian kelp, worm casting, Charlie’s compost and ancient forest humus. I want to mix some of it and mix it into my soil which I will test prior. I do know it is nutrient deficient, but don’t know how to make a healthy mixture. I also have a bag of Azomite, I also have a large rose garden which I want to feed, hosta gardens and many perennials which always do great. I do not use any chemicals in my garden.

    Thank you so much for your advice, I love your website.


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  • #233249

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Barbara –

    Looks like you’ve got all the good stuff! A soil test will be key to knowing what to apply. For a great general all purpose top dressing I would recommend adding just a tad more phosphate. A product like calphos would fit the bill perfectly, as the ratio of 0 – 3 – 0 will help to balance out the nutrient ratio of your final product. The calcium is great for tomatoes too! Without looking at a soil test, I’d recommend the following top dress recipe. Feel free to increase or decrease depending on the amount needed.

    1 cup – CalPhos
    1 cup – Sup’r Green Chicken Manure
    1 cup – Norwegian Kelp
    1 cup – Worm Castings
    1 cup – Charlie’s Compost
    1 cup – Ancient Forest
    2 cup – Azomite

    Mix together vigorously until products are combined evenly. Add the completed mixture to soil, use in the bottom of newly-dug transplant holes, or spread as an all purpose topdressing.

    Let us know how else we may be of help!

    Happy Spring

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