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  • What do I need with a 1000W MH bulb?

    Created by Bill on

    I would like to set up a 1000W metal halide light (grow light). The bulbs are relatively easy to locate on your site but it is not clear what is the appropriate or best fixture to use with them. I am interested in using the Agrosun 1000W metal halide bulb. Can you provide any recommendations regarding fixtures?

  • Author
  • #185724

    Eric Vinje

    Bill –

    Please take a look at our Veg-A-Matic Metal Halide Grow Light Kit. It includes an AgroSun 1000W bulb, Phantom digital ballast and Radiant 8 AC Reflector all packaged up nice and neat in a discounted package deal.


    The Radiant 8 AC Reflector is one of the best available for intense, downward light output. If your looking for more of a diffuse light, I recommend the Raptor 8 (high-end) or Pro Reflector (budget).

    Hope this helps!

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