How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Norfolk Island Pine

Bring a touch of the South Pacific to your home with a Norfolk Island Pine. Thriving in warm, humid environments with bright, indirect light, it's perfect for indoor gardens.

Norfolk Pine Plant Care


Norfolk Island Pines thrive in bright, indirect light. Native to the South Pacific, they adapt to low light but prefer partial sun, especially during winter months.


Norfolk Island Pine thrives in well-draining soil. Use a mix of peat, pine bark, and perlite. Ensure the pot has a drainage hole. Use a water-filled pebble tray for humidity.


Norfolk Island Pine prefers moist soil but is sensitive to excess moisture. Let the top inch of soil dry between waterings. Provide high humidity in subtropical climates.

Temperature and Humidity

Norfolk Island pines thrive in temperatures of 65-72°F, but tolerate 50-75°F. Beware of frost in winter. Maintain high humidity indoors.


Feed Norfolk Island Pines monthly with water-soluble fertilizer at half-strength. Avoid over-fertilizing to prevent excess moisture and needle browning.


Prune Norfolk Pine to maintain shape and health. Remove infestations and brown needles. Use clean tools to prevent disease spread. Avoid over-pruning to reduce stress.

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