Joe Pye Weed: Blooms for Borders and Color

Joe Pye Weed's pink-purple blooms make a stunning garden centerpiece. Native perennials, they're adaptable and easy to care for with the right conditions.

What Is Joe Pye Weed?

Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium) thrives in sun or semi-shade, with pink-purple clusters on tall stalks. It attracts butterflies and fits well in moist areas.

Specific Varieties

Eutrochium maculatum:

A notable variety due to its resistance to powdery mildew. It has purple-speckled stems with light to dark purple flowers.

Eutrochium steelei:

A native of the Appalachians with greenish-purple stems and pink-purple flowers. It grows up to 6.5 feet tall.

Eutrochium “Little Joe”:

This seed mix combats powdery mildew, similar to maculatum, with added mildew resistance but otherwise mirrors the native version.

Eutrochium purpureum:

This variety has solid green stems and can grow up to 7 feet tall. A unique feature is that tiny exotic mauve flowers appear during the midsummer months.

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Joe Pye Weed: Blooms for Borders and Color

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