How to Check for Bed Bugs (At Home and While Traveling)
We’ll cover essential tips for detecting bed bugs in your home and while traveling, helping you avoid potential infestations and maintain a bug-free living environment.
Bed bugs, typically the size of an apple seed, are small, reddish-brown insects commonly found hiding in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards.
Bed bugs, infamous household pests, can infest multiple areas in your home, with a preference for mattresses, box springs, and bed frames, providing ideal hiding spots for them to lay eggs.
Bed bugs can infest various areas in your home, particularly where you sleep. These pests are known for their bites, which can result in itchy welts and red bumps.
Bed bugs are known for their unique behavior of staying close together in small clusters. They lay their eggs in these secluded areas, which are hard to see with the naked eye.
Bed bugs are nocturnal pests known for their blood meal feeding habits. These insects, which can infest mattresses, couches, and even luggage, have a keen ability to detect the warmth and carbon dioxide emitted by humans, which they use to locate their next meal.