Can Fleas Fly? And How to Handle a Flea Infestation?

If your pet is scratching a lot, they might have fleas. Learn how fleas spread, how to handle infestations, and find out if fleas can fly.

What are Fleas?

Fleas are wingless insects that jump to feed on animal and human blood. They spread easily and can cause health issues and home infestations.

Lifecycle of a Flea

Female fleas lay up to 50 eggs a day. Their life cycle can complete in three weeks, with larvae feeding on excrement of partially digested blood.

Larvae grow and molt twice before spinning cocoons. They develop into pupae and then adults. Adults wait in cocoons for vibrations signaling a host, extending their life cycle.

This explains why many fleas appear when an empty building is occupied. Adult fleas emerge, attach to a host to feed, breed, and restart the cycle.

Can Fleas Fly?

Fleas can’t fly but jump incredibly far—up to 200 times their body length—thanks to their spring-like legs. This lets them navigate and infest easily.

What Do Fleas Look Like?

Fleas, tiny but agile, can jump 200 times their length. Their flat bodies and comb-like legs help them cling and survive weeks without feeding.

Are Fleas Dangerous?

Fleas, a danger to pets and humans, can transmit diseases like typhus and plague. Protect your pets with proper flea control today!

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