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Espoma offers a complete line of fertilizers and natural soil amendments that are approved for organic gardening. Comprised of 100% organic nutrients, these products are pure plant food with no fillers or sludges.
Holly-Tone (4-3-4)
Used by professional growers, Holly-tone is the original choice for acid-loving plants.
Garden Gypsum
While not a fertilizer, Gypsum can help increase the productivity of your plants.
Garden Lime
Safer to use than hydrated types, this pelletized dolomitic limestone is easy to apply.
Garden Manure (4-2-2)
Derived from poultry waste that's been dehydrated to provide higher NPK.
Greensand (0-0-0.1)
Supplies potassium (K), an essential nutrient that promotes plant hardiness.
Soil Acidifier
Safer than aluminum sulfate! Use with ALL acid-loving plants for superior results.